Monday, 24 June 2013

Happy Horses

The "BIG" move happened on Saturday - The Guru, her two dogs, the three horses & I moved the horses from their field at the yard to an off-site field 2 communes (villages) away by hacking in convoy through the woods.
All animals & humans arrived safely after crossing a road & a river - we even entertained a village fête that was taking place by the river crossing - thankfully all girls behaved impeccably even though they hadn't been to that river crossing before - could have been a recipe for disaster!

Photos & video of the girls having fun stretching their legs in the new field to follow!

En Route - Kika would make a good pack horse ;-)
Next the girls grazing as we sorted electric fencing inside the perimeter of the field & farmer's fencing is barbed wire & we don't want them getting too close! :-/

Inspecting our handi-work

Nancy has been having a ball for herself racing around the field - the other two join in, but you can deff see who is having the most fun in the video - Kika is most unimpressed with all the running, hahaha!

It's heartwarming to see "little" Nancy stretching her legs, it's the first time I've really seen her let her hair down and act like the young horse she is :).
Peek-a-boo Sunday morning when I went to see that they were all still in the field

Dark skies

Being spoiled rotten with end of carrot bags before new delivery this evening

I also got two lovely arena spins in on Kika before we left, one on Friday evening and the second Saturday prior to departure. She was fanatastic on both occasions - we even got a flying lead change on our own! What a way to sign off from arena work for a while! :)
We will have access to the arenas if we hack back to them, L reckons we can get from current field to yard in 15-20mins. we took long route on Saturday as we had dogs loose and K on leash so we crossed the rode rather than ride along it which would have taken less time.
Once I get the lay of the land over that side of the woods I'm sure I'll make my way back for some arena work at some stage over the next few months. We're hoping to stay at this off-site field until mid to late September, whereupon the evenings will get dark too early to allow us hacking after work so we'll have to come back to the yard for final month of turnout before horses go back "in" from November 1st.
We had hoped to go for a hack in the woods yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, unfortunately weather had other ideas and every half hour - 45mins a heavy shower would fall and undoubtedly soak the ponies so we had no chance to throw tack on the girls to go for a jaunt. However I did get a spin on a cute arab horse when I stopped into the yard as her owner has a bad back and can't canter her, so she asked did I fancy a spin - she was a gem! First horse I've ridden that isn't mine at the yard!


  1. Looks like a nice place for your ladies to vacation a little :)

    1. They deff seemed to appreciate it when first turned out!
      I sure hope they enjoy it!

  2. Looks like a nice place.

    I probably missed it but why the move? Did you have to move all your tack / equipment etc?

    1. I moved them to this off-site field for a few months for access to grazing and to save some pennies, ;-)
      Field they were on from May 1st had nothing left to eat, my poor girls were hungry!

    2. Gotcha! Love looks of the new place and I agree, moving them like that is pretty awesome.

  3. Ooh it looks ideal! Happy Holidays Horses!

    1. Thanks Miss, I'll be doing posting mostly through-the-ear shots as we'll be mostly hacking from here till September!

  4. What a cool way to move the horses! They look so happy in their new field.

    1. It was so much fun, I am truly blessed with my great friend in the Guru & we've lovely girls who get on like the best of buds...sure does make life easy!

  5. Fabulous photos ! I think Nancy has most certainly put on condition again. She is looking great ! And Mss K is as stunning as always. Love the fields.

    1. Thanks K, the three of them filled in overnight - I wonder did they get any sleep or did they just stuff their faces all night lol!

  6. Lovely new digs! What a great setup for the summer.

    1. Thanks Jenj, hope they enjoy their summer house, hahaha!

  7. Gorgeous new field for the girls :) I swear, Kika and Lim are twins... he would totally be the lazy/unimpressed one at the back of the pack! Both K and N look great!

    1. Thanks KM, I've been saying that K & Lims could be twins since i first started following your blog, spooky isn't it?!

  8. Seems like a fantastic place! Looks like the ladies are very pleased!

    1. Thanks H, hope they are happy - that is what I aim to make them in this life!

  9. Gosh, I am always so jealous of your country side!


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