
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Monday Matters


I had another lovely spin on Kika last night, worked on similar things to Saturday though no lateral work. Focused more on transitions and halting correctly from walk & trot; circles - attempting to ride the corners correctly using my inside leg and outside hand & outside leg to keep her on's a work in progress as I have been riding circles wrong for years relying more on my inside leg & hand to guide her where I want to go rather than my outside limbs to keep her on course.
We did a fair bit of canter work, where I counted strides down the long side to alternate our collection/lengthening when cantering while also working on our circles and transitions t/c & w/c. I also asked for and got a flying change - was over the moon with that!
I really need to work more on that, practice makes perfect. *nod* We worked in my favourite arena as I think footing is better then main arena, only things going against that arena are that it is smaller than main & doesn't have full wall of mirrors - I could really use them *blush* It does have a mirror on the back wall and I do use it when circling & halting etc - but when trotting & cantering you pass it too quickly ;-)

 Unfortunately Nancy is still out of work as farrier has still not come, he is proving quite hard to get a  hold of, i hope everything is alright. :-(


Another unfortunate for Nancy is that I am beginning to think that despite being Irish born/bred & raised she no longer likes the rain

We had thunderstorms here Saturday evening & it rained for most of Sunday & a bit yesterday morning - N was looking considerably shook & sucked up again last night. :-(
She got a healthy portion of hay while Kika and I worked and then she got carrots, muesli & pellets before going back out to the field - yet if you look at the photo of her in below & photo above - she is looking considerably worse again.


Will see how both girls are this evening and go from there - must also see if I can find another blacksmith to put shoe back on and decide if I am going to stick with my current farrier as in the last 12-18 months he has gotten progressively more difficult to get a  hold of. :(
I've no plans set in stone for working with the girls this evening, so shall play it by ear and see where the mood takes me later!


  1. That really sucks about the farrier. I hope something works out better for you and your girls.

    1. Another blacksmith is due to the yard today, hopefully he has time to pop her shoe back on while I decide what to do about my farrier. :(

  2. Ee, hope the farrier returns your calls. It's frustrating when you can't get a hold of them!

    1. Sure is, I wouldn't mind him not coming if I could get an answer either way - it's the lack of communication that is getting me riled up not the absenteeism...although that doesn3t help things either, :p

  3. Ring Brendan lolololol He was actually with me in the yard today :D
    Sorry to hear that Nancy has tucked up again :( I hope she lets down quickly again. Glory just headed off into a field full of grass so I am hoping she will do the same.
    Truly loving your Kika reports. Up up and away !!!!!

    1. I would love nothing more than to fly B out here ever couple of weeks - no farrier like him! But that would then be an expensive set of shoes, and be difficult if like this time one of them pulls a shoe! :p
      Current farrier comes from Belgium, a flight from Ireland would be more difficult to arrange on short notice hahaha!

      Am keeping an eye on N & K as her coat is going weird again, not dissimilar to last year when she had low selenium levels/liver issues - so might be calling vet for bloodtests before week is out...shall see how things go!

  4. Hopefully you can get your farrier to come out!!

    Nancy wants to live inside and be spoiled :)

    1. Who doesn't want to be spoiled, I know I'd love it! :p

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks H, hopefully I can get the rest of her back on a healthier track too!

  6. It's times like these when I'm thankful my horse goes so well barefoot.... Also it seems like farriers always start out great and get worse and worse or harder to contact, etc. I hate that!

    1. I had them barefoot, Kika was barefoot for a year but ended up hurting herself by making her feet too small from scratching her front feet off the floor while eating and when tied. So I ended up having to put the shoes back on her as she went lame - she hasn't had a problem since.

      I only just put front shoes on Nancy after having her barefoot since she arrived in January - as for the next three months we are going to be mostly hacking in the woods and I didn't want her feet to get damaged on the trails which can be quite rocky at times. If I can get her back barefoot for the winter I will.

      Both girls only have front shoes :)


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