
Monday 29 December 2014

Monday Mugging

A few snapshots from when I turned the little darlings out this morning. I led each horse individually to & from the field today across the frozen tundra that is currently besieging us. I may not have sat in a saddle since the 26th but i am still getting a workout ;-)

I know this is nothing compared to the snow fest Scandinavians, Russians, Canadians & North Americans have to deal with - but i hate the cold, snow & ice and was overjoyed to have had such a mild winter last year.

No such luck this year sadly, temps plummeted to -6C on Sunday evening & are due to stay below freezing for the rest of this week. Whether this means we'll get more snow or not I've no idea. One thing I do know is snow on top of iced snow is a recipe for disaster when leading excitable beasts to turnout. So they may not be going out again if temps don't increase.

They are deff staying indoors tomorrow as i am off to Pareee for the day for a super awesome meet up. Fingers crossed all goes well! At least there is no snow there - i am reliably informed ☺


  1. Both look so innocent in the pictures! :D

    1. They are absolute angels 95% of the time. Thankfully they alternate on the 5% so i don't have to deal with two naughty monsters ;-)

  2. Enjoy your trip - the freezing temps and snow are a big part of why we moved to the coast - I'm told the climate is much more like England here than Canada. Hope it warms up there soon :)

    1. Having visited that side of Canada in May I found it ab fab - so jealous of your sunshine pics, but don't begrudge you one bit ☺

  3. Their rugs are so CLEAN! They look so lovely with the snowy background :)

    1. Funny you should say that, I feel like they are filthy. You can totes see the differences in the rarely used neck covers vs the everyday battering the main body of the rug has gotten. Especially Kika's as she rolls every single day without fail!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Aww!! Snow ponies! Hope your meet up in Paris went well! I'll be in Munich/Vienna/Prague in Sept..are you anywhere near those places? ;)

    1. Let me know more details and I'll see if i can get to you ;-)
      Lux is a bit far for you to get to from there if on a tight schedule, but we could deff try to work something out for me to link up with you there. I haven't been to any of those cities and they are all on my Bucket list of places to visit ☺ drop me an email aoife(dot)smada(at)gmail(dot)com
      Yay for potential blogger meet ups

      PS: I removed earlier comment as blogger weirdly posted same comment twice - must have been an odd glitch

  6. have fun in Paris - and please take lots of pictures!!!!! hope it warms up a bit too :)

    1. Paris was lovely and warm compared to here - or at least it was when standing in the sunshine...In the shade less so. But still mucho warmer then snow & ice ;-)
      Paris pics shared on insta & next post ☺

  7. they are so cute together <3

    1. I am super lucky that they get along so well ♡♡

  8. I'm so excited and a but jealous that you and L. get to hang out! I soooo want to meet all of you guys! I wish we could all have a huge blogger meet up with free hotel and travel cost since I'm so broke right now hehe. I'll keep my fingers crossed the snow goes away soon!! I like it maybe once a winter, but only for a day or so. I hate when it lingers!

    1. I wish I could meet all the bloggers too. I dunno of you follow $900fbpony, shemovedtotexas, wyvern oaks or auf der autobahn - but i think there was talk of a February Texas open invitation for a bloggers meet up - i had been harbouring hopes to go but with flat & furniture expenses having moved up from March to now this is rather unlikely now *blubber*
      Hopefully there will be a other one that I might be able to attend some time as so many of my fav blogs are stateside! Makes the likelihood of my crossing paths with peeps considerably tougher

  9. Yes I know about the meetup and I would love to go, but I'm not sure if it will be possible. I haven't completely given up on the idea, but I'm not getting my hopes up. :\

    1. I'll keep everything crossed for you & live vicariously through all those lucky enough to go


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