I've been wanting to post the above video for a while now as I ADORE it - and thought other horsey people would also appreciate it!
I needed a blog update that hopefully wouldn't have too much other news; which hasn't really happened since Nancy's arrival as everything is new and exciting for us!
Before I go into what myself and the girls got up to last night and plans for the rest of the week, I feel it only fair to post a blow by blow of what is being said in the above-linked video as I'm not sure the regional accent of Cork (where Kika, Nancy and I lived in Ireland) is internationally understood!

I'd recommend watching the video, then reading the transcript and re-watching the video if necessary!

Apologies in advance for the bad language in the vid and subsequently in the transcript! Unfortunately that is just how some people use the English language

Horse 1: So you going to jump over it or what, like?
Horse 2: I can't do it, I can't do it...I just can't do it
H1: What're you talkin about, boy?
H2: I can't do it, I can't do it
H1: Just jump over it
H2: I just can't do it, I can't do it, I caaan't do it, I caaaaaaan't do it, I caaaaaaaaaan't do it
H1: It's like a two foot puddle, like
H2: Ay Know it's about two foot, but I just can't do it, I can't dooo it, I can't doo it, I can't do it
H1: Like you do know you're a horse like...it's pretty much all we do is jump around the place
H2: aw no I know I'm a horse now, I know I'm a horse ... don't be like that with me now ok...iiiii just can't do it, i just can't do it. uh, what am I goin to to do? What'am gonna do? Brrrrr - brrrrr - I can't do it - I can't do it!
H1: Why don't you just walk through it so?
H2: And get all fuckin wet?! I'd get soooaaaakked! I'd get sooooooaaaaaaakked!I'd get fuckin dreeeeenched! I can't do it, I can't do it! *more whimpering snivels*
H1: I suppose you could always walk around it...
H2: ho-yeah I forgot about dat! hahaha
That video and others like it are my go-to cheer me up clips. Sminky Shorts Animation was created by two young lads at university and perfectly capture some of the more regional accents in Ireland and indeed the mannerisms and sayings that we take for granted. I'm not sure how well the humour will translate, but I still just had to share. As an aside I also love the, Tommy the Turtle clip, Cock-a-doodle-doo and the Mice...Tough call as to what is my favourite, my sister loves the Spider and the fly!

Anyways this post was inspired by Carly over at Poor Woman Showing, who posted a link on her blog to the "excellent" Rubberbandits single released in Ireland a few Christmases ago - LINK for more giggles, but again be warned - language is far from clean! Words to that song for those who may not understand are included under the video in the link!
While on the subject of funnies - i must also link readers to a new blog I was shown yesterday. Lucy is a work from home horse breeder with lots of kids and a wonderful turn of phrase! I almost fell off my chair in work yesterday reading her Handy Housewife Tips of the Day post of her most viewed facebook status updates. I have yet to catch up on the rest of her blog, but of the posts I have read I can't help but laugh out loud - her posts should come with a health warning - so consider this yours!

Argh, as always my post is getting way longer then I had intended it to be, and I am only now getting to tell you about what the girlies and I got up to last night!
Well honestly not a whole pile! I lunged both of them, Nancy took an age to settle as there was a lot of noises going on outside the small arena (from yesterday's pictures) and she kept getting distracted and insisting on trotting when I wanted walk - but we'll get there as she gets more acquainted with voice commands on the lunge - she's not overly fond of walking on the lunge at the best of times and much prefers to trot anyway, so plenty of work to do on that front.

I had spent a bit of bonding time with N in the stable as another yard friend stopped for a chat and an introduction, Nancy was a sweetheart- lipping at her person & bag and generally being her sweet self. I think she has converted herself another fan already. She was then good as gold to have her mouth rinsed prior to leaving the stable and then stood like a good girl to have her feet cleaned while I groomed her. She then stayed lovely and quietly tied in the cross-ties as I hurriedly cleaned out her stable. It was very dirty & wet yesterday so I must check with YO that she is being done in the mornings also, as I am paying for her box to be cleaned every day.
Kika was also a sweetheart, yet still her Kika self on the lunge. I had her in side reins while on the lunge and she resents being asked to work properly so can toss her head about and pretend to buck & plunge when I ask for more work from her - but she then settles when realises she's getting no sympathy from me and worked like a great girl when she put her mind to it.

Kika has been an absolute angel, I really cannot get over how interested she is in Nancy and indeed how welcoming she has been. I mean this is the mare that normally makes really grouchy faces at any horse (besides O) who dares to look at her - yet she'll happily stand tied beside Nancy (not something she has been good at in recent weeks alongside other horses

I can't wait for the weekend and to be able to spend more time at the barn giving each girl plenty of attention so that (a) Kika doesn't feel left out and (b) to build a relationship with Nancy.
In a surprise move last night, there were sign up sheets up for a "stage" (external trainer coming to yard/clinic type thing) this weekend. The same teacher that L rode Kika for back in November, she had already asked me months back that if this guy came back could she ride Kika again for the training - so Kika is going to bootcamp this weekend - poor pet has no idea!
She may get an inkling though this evening as L is going to ride tonight in preparation, I'll ride her tomorrow for an easier session before the trials and tribulations of training on Saturday & Sunday

Heck 20 minutes under L would be the equivalent of an hours work with me - that girl can ride! jealous.com = me!

Don't get me wrong! I am so glad that she offered to help me back when K was being a drama diva and that she has continued to help me since, I really would have been lost with her!
I owe my horsey happiness to this girl, she is a godsend!

Argh sorry, getting all mushy!
My final piece of news is that the blacksmith couldn't make it last night, but will come today instead. Shall try to fit in a spin on Nancy around his visit if possible. So shall hopefully have some more news and updates tomorrow - although hopefully not so long of a post!
Cake and cookies for anyone who has read this to the end!
I am so glad you translated that!
ReplyDeleteI figured it would only be fair ;-)
DeleteHope you enjoyed it as much as i do - it's my go to pick me up!
Thanks for translating and sharing! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it Hillary, have to admit it's my not so guilty pleasure. LOVE watching it!