No great report from me today - I can hear the sighs of relief!
Work was uber-busy last week, I was doing the workload normally shared between 5 of us as due to holidays, sick leave and unforseen family circumstances we found ourselves a little shorthanded. So i was exhausted every evening and didn't have the energy to walk the couple of minutes (well 10minutes and up a hill) to visit Kika since our successful jumping lesson last week. I did manage a walk-by the field on friday evening with my sister on our way to get some food for the evening, saturday was a write-off poni-visiting wise as I'd signed up to do a Discover Luxembourg Treasure Hunt with new colleagues at work (it was good funa nd we'd a beautiful day for it - thankfully as there was much walking involved, 4 hours of it in fact!). Sunday was another write-off due to the weather, it rained solidly interspersed with thunder and lightning storms all day until 6pm where it dried up for about an hour before tipping it down again. As the poor ould dear is still currently living outside i figured it'd be unfair to birng her in dry her off work her then put her back out to get soaked again - to my twisted mind it made more sense to leave her in the field wet and munching on the big bale of hay they have. She deffinitely took advantage of her unplanned week off on that front, the tubbyness of her roundd belly when i finally got her in on monday evening was a testament to that fact!
Right well as usual, my plan to not write so much is failing miserably but i swear there are pictures and a video to come, please just bear with me!
I finally got up to her properly on Monday evenign after work, having cancelled my jumping lesson with L as Kika and i hadn't done ANY work since our lesson the week before. To ease the beastie back into the mindset I lunged her without the pessoa on monday evening. (Aside: pessoa work is on pause for the moment as my guru L agreed with me that the current pessoa set up was not encouraging correct work out of Kika as she was blocking her head/neck area and not relaxing down into the work like she is supposed to - so we've to source a girth with a buckle on it to change the ropes to ecourage her to work with her head/neck in the most helpful way for muscle development. I do work with her after riding to get her to stretch down in trot and walk as part of the cooling down process but we have as yet not managed to incorperate it in our warm up process as she prefers to act like a giraffe to begin with!)
Long story not so short (as usual - SORRY) we did some flatwork schooling last night, just her and me - my "baby" sister (who is 21 and no longer a baby) is back from her J1 Summer in New York and gladly agreed to be photographer/videographer yesterday evening. I won't include all the photos as a lot were fuzzy, but she did get some pretty cool (in my opinion) panoramic shots of us which i will include as well as a video.
NB: all photos and video were taken on my phone so please excuse quality where necessary, ;-)
LINK (If image too small)
And a video; please ignore comments from my sister as she filmed and the outburst of laughter that overcame her before she could hit pause as Kika released enough wind to float a boat!
Also my parting words today (I'm sure you're wondering how have i possibly got words left after this "brief" update), I think i have fixed the comments option so that now anyone can!
Hopefully it works!

A place where I record the adventures of myself and my Irish Sport Horse mare, Kika. Who I purchased as an un-backed 3yr old in 2007. This blog follows the trials and tribulations of first-time horse ownership since moving from Ireland to Luxembourg in 2010. UPDATE: as of 2013, Kika is being joined by Nancy a Friesan X ISH mare bred by my family who I had my eye on since she was a foal and have been lucky enough to buy and add to my equine family.
Love it. I have the same issue with Solly. He loves being a giraffe!! He has also stopped working with the pessoa so we are giving him a break from that. He wasn't relaxing into it - just fighting. So no point in that. Absolutely love your blogs.. Keep them coming. Have to say, I love Kikas antics. She is a real mare with attitude.. Just like my Sexy Mare.