Saturday 28 March 2015

Foam Faces

Apologies for the radio silence since my fist successful Wordless Wednesday - what a treat for readers that I managed to shut up ;-) - although I did leave Nancy talk for me teehee

All photos from Saturday 28.3.15

This week was another busy one & kind of low on saddle time although I did manage to ride Nancy Monday evening (no media) and despite our canter transitions again coming with some bucking & dolphin-flailing another yard friend was riding at the same time & she commented on how well she was going to which I scoffed and said I thought she was taking the mick out of me. Guess we looked better than it felt, in saying that though she was good for the most part. I guess I am a bad rider and focus on the negatives and things we need to fix. Although I do praise her in the moment when she is good it would appear I myself forget about it and only retain our mistakes and what needs more work.

I managed to turn them out Monday, Tuesday & Friday afternoons. Wednesday i couldn't make it at lunch time as i had a leaving lunch for a colleague who is retiring next month :-(
I spent Thursday at a driving center for a training day as the final requirement for my full license. Which was quite fun as they had 4 tracks set up with water works to test our reactivity in surprising circumstances in a controlled environment. I was luckily with a good group as it would have been an even longer day if i hadn't spoken to anyone for 8 hours!

I made my return to Kika's tack today (Saturday) and she was a very good girl. Some tense moments & our first canter was a bit of a shambles (as has become our norm) with front leg flailing, lead changes in front & behind as she hollows and generally acts like a muppet. When it becomes clear i can't save it and make a good attempt at canter from it we come back to walk and build backup again calmly. Thankfully all went really well after that ☺

Nancy was next and we had the largest arena to ourselves. Not having to pay attention to what others are doing made a positive impact on today's spin as we had much better work than our last three spins combined. Including lovely canters on each rein without a single buck or dolphin leap. Small victories & proof that I allow myself get distracted and probably subconsciously tense when riding with others. This too shall pass with more practice - we will get there.

First Steps to achieve better work is hopefully a stroll in the woods tomorrow and then lessons next week as I'm off work. One on Monday & Tuesday then two on Wednesday before I fly back to Ireland on Thursday for Easter weekend to visit my gran.


  1. Sounds like some very productive rides - I'm with you on the occasional canter flails, but of course they will get better as we go! Have a fun Easter trip :)

  2. It can be hard to fit it all in for sure but sounds like lots of successes.

    1. I take the spins where I can and always try to look at the positives, when my memory doesn't fail me ;-)
      I used to be ether at time management but then work, responsabilities & life happened :-p

  3. Ries had a moment where all he did was dolphin leap. I was so freaking confused as to what was going on

  4. fun rides, even with some canter shenanigans! and both girls look good! hope you were able to get out into the woods too :)

    1. All time spent with horses is fun - that's for sure. What can I say I am a lost cause & total addict ☺
      Sadly no woods time on Sunday due to absolutely awful weather conditions

  5. I get tense and self conscious when other people are in an arena with me too!

    1. Glad I'm not alone we'll have to start a self - help group or something


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