Monday, 13 January 2014

Belated Barn Blog Hop

As usual I'm a little behind jumping on the bandwagon, but I have really enjoyed getting a photo-tour of other bloggers barns that I wanted to share pix of the yard where I keep my girls!
Massive thank you to Sprinklerbandit for sharing The Process of Learning's idea with us!

1. A view of the barn

I've cheated and borrowed an aerial shot from website - LINK

2. Your horse's living space
The girls have neighbouring stables and thankfully get on great - i think the fact they get turned out together every day and spent 24/7 together for 6 months last year helped them become firm friends...LOL, I didn't really give them much choice in the matter!

Kika is on the right & Nancy on the left - sorry for poor photo quality, taken at night with my cphone

Their stables are a little dark and sadly they do not have windows or a paddock which are options for boarders at my yard. However my girls spend their afternoons & evenings outside in a turnout area which I have been lucky to get separate from the yard - unfortunately there is no winter turnout option offered at my yard.
Nancy on left, Kika on right
In saying that I am very happy with their stables as although they do not have windows, they are right beside the hay & straw so I can top them up whenever I want and unlike the majority of window stables, my girls don't have to step down into their stable nor have they a ledge/step at the back of their stables - so they have slightly larger boxes then those with windows.

3. The Tack Room

Please ignore the mess

View from outside the doorway

I have three tack lockers, although I have only taken a photo of the two i use regularly. The third one is just storage at the moment. I am technically only supposed to have one per horse, but before Nancy came into the picture the tack locker below the one I had for Kika became available - for a tenner a month I could rent the extra locker. Rather than give one up and risk not being able to get an extra locker again, I was selfish and hung on to the third one when Nancy arrived *blush*

4. Where you ride

Largest indoor arena (25x65m²) with wall full of mirrors at one end and a raised viewing platform
 Photo borrowed from yard website - LINK

I am spoiled rotten with the facilities at my yard, we have three indoor arenas, an outdoor and a smaller lunging arena which I have been known to ride in when bringing the ponios back into work after injury as less space for them to take notions in...

My favourite arena to ride in (20x40m²)
 Click to enlarge & LINK
Oldest arena (20x40m²) & mostly used for
Riding School in evenings, so rarely available
when I ride - LINK

The outdoor is huge, 25x75m² and has floodlights if you want to ride in the evenings or when it is dark.

LINK to website
We also have access to at least 17kms of forrestry hacking, but as you may remember I took the girls off-site for a few months this summer by hacking them from the yard to another of the YO (yard owners) fields off-property in a neighbouring area. LINK to blog post.

5. My favourite feature

Nancy "modeling" (patiently waiting for me to ride her) in grooming area nearest their stables,
 also lunging arena on lefthand side

I can't just pick one thing sadly, I love the people, the fact that it is 10minutes walk from where I live and that my girls are well looked after & I can see them everyday - if not in fact twice a day as I zoom there and back on my lunchbreak to turn them out during the winter months. I am spoiled rotten by the facilities and I haven't even mentioned the solariums, washbays, grooming areas &/or walker! For full breakdown of facilities available check out LINK to stable webpage, although many pictures have been shared by my of the girls in different areas on this blog throughout the years.

Hopefully you've enjoyed this whistlestop tour of the girls "home"!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Replies
    1. I really am blessed by being able to keep my girls there. There is so mucg to love about it, I wish I could do it justice by capturing it in all it's sunny day glory...maybe in the spring

  2. I had no idea your barn was so large. It looks wonderful! And how awesome to be so close by, that is almost as good as having them in your back yard, if not better!

    1. Yeah it's massive, I think there are over 100 horses stabled there. Can be tricky to find space to ride in the arenas at times...but as I typically ride late in the evenings I avoid almost all the traffic.

      It is better than having them in my backyard as someone else feeds them & does the stables every morning ;-)
      I do refresh the stables in the evening, but as I can sneak them out at 1pm they aren't massively dirty in the evening :-D

  3. Wow what a place! There is a link on the original posters page for adding the bloghoppers if you want. I just copied and pasted into my blog post (had to click the html tap on the top(ish) left side of the blogger screen. I'm actually pretty terrible at tech as well:)

    1. Awesome thanks missus!
      Shall do some snooping & have a play with it when I get to my desktop. It's trickier than its worth to copy & paste links with the phone IMO *blush*

      I don't believe you're terrible at tech you make awesome yearly review videos!

  4. that barn is huge....and very lovely!

    1. It is pretty massive alright, mobile phones are needed to find friends if you haven't agreed somewhere specific to meet as one can wander around and keep just missing each other haha

  5. Looks like an incredible facility! 3 indoors!?!

    1. Crazy right?!
      Coming up on 4years since Kila & I moved in and I still have to pinch myself - spoiled rotten doesn't begin to convey how blessed I feel

  6. I recall earlier pics of the solariums, super jealous right now! Also 10 min walk to ponies how nice! Out here your lucky if the store is a 10 min walk, lol.

    1. To be fair Lux is tiny, lol, things are rarely further than 15-20mins drive from you ;-)
      But I am super lucky that they had space for me especially with my only learning to drive last summer *blush*

  7. Your farm iis swoon-worthy!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I am super lucky to be able to livery there - it is like heaven on earth!

  8. Replies
    1. It is massive and has lots of bells & whistles, but can also be quite impersonal if you get there outside your 'usual' hours as you then don't know many people...smaller places are much better for atmosphere I think. In saying that I cannot fault the facilities - I really am absolutely spoiled


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